01. project info

Inspired by the Shibuya Meltdown, an Instagram account that randomly collects photos of Japanese salarymen getting absurdly drunk, this project is a 3D characterization of the salaryman. The original purpose of this project was to warn the deadly drunk salarymen in the Shibuya area "Don't drink so much, you'll end up making decisions you regret later" by characterizing them.

role: 3D modeling + rendering
tools: Blender/Illustrator/After Effects
02. key elements

Here are the main keywords that I came up with when it comes to thinking of typical drunk Japanese businessmen. And then I collected reference images based on these keywords.
03. creative process

The 1st step is to draw a sketch and decide on a color scheme in Illustrator. The 2nd step is to place it as a rough sketch in Blender and model the character based on it.
04. whole body
05. details
06. variations
07. use case
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